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Ending of My Novel

Post #6: Is the ending of your novel satisfying? Why or why not?

There are a few different factors that make the ending of The Book Thief both satisfying and unsatisfying. Liesel is taken in by the mayor and his wife after the bombing giving Liesel and unlimited source of books. When Alex Steiner returns from war, Liesel finds a friend in him as they both cope with the loss of family. However, the biggest factor that makes the ending satisfying is knowing that Max returns and that Liesel gets to grow old and have a family of her own. Only a short chapter tells of Max’s return from Dachau but it helps give readers hope for Max and Liesel. The unsatisfying part of the story’s ending is all the deaths of Liesel’s family and friends on Himmel Street. When Hans returned from war and was given an office job for the military, hope returned for Liesel. Liesel continued to spend all the time she could with Rudy, books and her family, all the things she loved. Unfortunately, her happy ending was taken away with the bombing of Himmel Street. Hans, Rosa, Rudy and many more died in the bombing while Liesel survived in the basement of her home. In conclusion, the ending was both satisfying and unsatisfying not just for readers but also for the characters who survived in The Book Thief.

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